Saturday, 22 August 2009

BT 21st Century - why, thank you...

Just found out that I was migrated to BTs new "21st Century Network" about 4 weeks ago. My service has been going downhill since the third week in July. (3 weeks ago).

I am now offline for the 8th consecutive day. I phoned BT twice last week and they DENIED there is anything wrong with my line!!! The "support person" was adamant there is NO FAULT and she told me she will close the job ticket. BT are keeping quiet about this fopar obviously. I have spent into 3 figures updating modem/router, cabling, filters etc etc. Had IT technicians on their knees in my office (ooh matron). I can't do any more. :-(( <--- long chin). Check out these links:
Oink. Oink... I'm a guinea pig.
PS I can now get on line as an extremely good friend ran an ethernet cable up to my office from his office downstairs and I am sharing his broadband. Cool huh? Owe you a pint Hugh (or a huge pint).


  1. Thanks for the comment on my Blog. I hope you get your Internet sorted.

    As a side note, AAISP are pushing BT into changing their Service rules so that they install larger pipes to exchanges sooner, instead of when things go wrong.

    Good luck with your internet.


  2. Jason. Thanks for your thoughts. At this moment I have been without DSL for almost 2 weeks. BT are "looking into it". W
