Today is worse folks. I went into iTunes Store this morning. Not 79p but 99p a track at iTunes store. Check it out. Most of the top songs have gone up another 20p. (WAS 99c in the USA = 59p) but today it's also gone up to $1.29 a track - at today's rate that's 79p folks (not the 99p we Brits pay).
The Brits are almost paying 20 percent more for the same downloads. Face it, we are losers. We get shafted on petrol prices, music, tobacco, booze, car pricing, everything is begga bucks in the UK compared to many countries. Who do we think we are? Switzerland? Yeah we have the overheads but not the standards. We just lie down and take it. Suckers. Someone, somewhere is making a mint out of us. The Americans wouldn't take it. Why do we? _| :-) <--- my attempt at "loser".